
That time has begun

Mama saw back-to-school ads in the newspaper yesterday, LOL. As I've stated in the past, back-to-school time was kinda a dicey time in my family since three of us had to go back.  It was kinda sore on money; my sister and I needed notebooks and pencils and God knows what, Mama usually wanted some cute decorations for her room, and we all inevitably wanted some new clothes.  So...yeah.  I also stated in the past that this time of year could be fun, as it allowed my sister and me to see the school in a state that it normally wasn't.  Oh yeah, and hanging in Mama's room was usually fun too.  There were kiddie books galore, jigsaw puzzles, felt people, and The Oregon Trail on those old-school computers.  So it wasn't all negative. Love, RagingMoon1987

Cold case

I reiterate my sentiment from earlier in the week; I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons to wear a certain bow.  Today is Lizzie Borden's birthday, and National Stick Out Your Tongue Day...oh yes, Lizzie Borden.  The disembodied doll head. Lizzie Borden took an axe Gave her mother forty whacks When she saw what she had done She gave Father forty-one From what I've read Andrew and Abby Borden kinda needed someone to slap them into shape.  They were rich and thus were kinda elitist, like many rich people can be.  Lizzie and her sister Emma also suspected that Abby married their father for his money.  NO ONE in the family bothered to remember the proper name of their maid, Bridget Sullivan; their last maid was a woman named "Maggie," and the Bordens called poor Bridget "Maggie" instead.  Now...all that said, is that an excuse for murder?  Not really, no.  But Andrew and Abby ended up dead, Lizzie and Bridget were both suspected, and Lizzie was t

Lies, lies, lies, yeah!

I learned that the Republican National Convention closes today, so I thought "May as well wear my most controversial bow." I usually vote red, and I intend to again this time around, but let's be real:  neither party is worth a crap, and this time around the candidates all suck.  The Donald can't keep his big mouth shut, Sleepy Joe is losing his mind, and none of the alternatives are worth the sperm and eggs it took to conceive 'em.  Sad thing is, I think Joe Biden would've done a fine job as president if he had his wits about him.  I like him.  I don't like some of his policies, but I like him.  But he's not cut out for the job anymore.  All the others do is lie to us and throw mud at each other.  We don't even hear promises to make the country better, empty as those promises may be.  It's just "Trump did this" or "Biden didn't do that," and a bunch of lies, damned lies, and statistics that may or may not be lies. Let&#

I spoke too soon!

Okay, I spoke too soon about July being super-dull.  Today is a family-favorite holiday, National Hot Dog Day.  Thus I get to wear my corn dog!  Etsy shop is CreationsbyCronisha , and they are currently not selling. The corn dog is no gray area, I must say!  I've gotten laughter, compliments, and a few folks that shrug and say "You do you."  Hey, as long as they're not rude I can dig whatever they say.  But I like to wear goofy stuff, and...well, wearing a crocheted corn dog is about as goofy as it gets. Mama and I went on a strict diet around the first of July, because our weight is getting out of hand and our joints ache because of it.  Lots of water, lots of fiber, lots of eggs, no candy or chips or soda.  Not the most fun, but we already feel better because of it.  But today we might go to Sonic and pick up a hot dog apiece.  Sonic makes their hot dogs good.  I like mine with relish, mustard, and kraut, while Mama likes...well, we BOTH like chili dogs, actually. 

What a dull month July is!

After Independence Day there's NOTHING!!!  I didn't realize it until I started looking for reasons to wear this hair bow or that one.  So far July has been the driest month in terms of holidays, even niggling little ones that no one really celebrates.  So today we get yet another crap-shoot bow. It's already been a hard week.  The library board comes tomorrow and the three of us coworkers have been working hard to get the place clean.  That wouldn't sound like a big deal, but all three of us have arthritis and two of us are overweight!  Nevertheless I've done the heavy stuff that Mama and our coworker can't:  the vacuuming and the mopping.  I've STILL got mopping to do, in fact!  And it's supposed to rain tomorrow...and a certain relative of mine never wipes his damn feet. Dusty love, RagingMoon1987 

Not looking forward to today

MmmmMay as well wear something to brighten the day. The board is visiting the library next Wednesday, and Boss Lady asked that the library be clean, so I've got a lot to do.  It's not a big deal, really, but I hate chores.  LOL, doesn't everybody??? Love, RagingMoon1987 

White or ecru?

Another crap shoot, another random bow.  I picked my white lace bow today. Or is that more ecru?  Does it matter, LOL?  I griped to Mama this morning that this bow utilizes a French clip, and French clips are usually ridiculously uncomfortable.  They poke my head, pull my hair and are hard to place.  But so far this one has been very comfortable.  Etsy shop is VeryShine . Lacy love, RagingMoon1987