Christmas plaid

Like yesterday's candy cane bow, I found this one waaaaaaay earlier than I should have.

I did say at the beginning of fall that I wanted more plaid bows, and now I've got another one!  I also like the insignia in the middle; I'm fond of shaker bows.  I don't have too many, but I like 'em.

I must say that like Thanksgiving I am NOT looking forward to this Christmas.  No sister, no brother-in-law, no Uncle From St. Louis, and likely no exciting presents.  Though in response to that last bit, all I want is a new floor lamp.  My old one broke, sad face.  Even the temperature outside doesn't feel like Christmas; yesterday it hit sixty-two degrees.  It's supposed to cool down a bit early next week, but then it'll warm up again and rain like piss out of a boot.  Not very Decemberish, but then I positively hate it when it's cold!

I hope y'all are having fun so far!  Likely by now the kiddies are out of school and you're battening down the hatches for the final time crunch before Christmas.  If you haven't found that special gift yet, good luck!  I hope you do.



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