A nice surprise
A great many of my hair bows are gifts, usually from my mother and less often from someone at the library. Today is one of those; my mom knows how I love polka dots and bright colors, so she got me this. The Etsy shop is one we both love, AdoraBowsStore. It has hidden rhinestones on the side, like a couple of my other bows do.
The colors in the center remind me a little of a pearl necklace that I got Mama for Mother's Day one year. She doesn't remember it, to my considerable surprise, but I do. It was one of those pea pod necklaces that mamas get, with the "peas" being pearls in the colors of the children's birthstones. The pea pod I selected had a blue one for my sister (September/sapphire), a pink one for myself (October/opal or tourmaline), and a yellow one for my brother-in-law (November/topaz). Just like the pearls on this particular bow.
To my chagrin, Mama has yet to wear the necklace. I forget how many years ago that was, and she's never worn it. She's never been big on jewelry anyway, for some reason.
Peas and pearls,
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