Belated a bit, but oh well

April 9th is Unicorn Day, and this year Unicorn Day and Easter happened to coincide.  So to make up for it, behold!  A JoJo bow!
I have several JoJo bows with unicorn horns, but this is the only one I have with eyes.  Once upon a time these unicorn face bows were fairly common at Wal-Mart...and at the time that I saw them I thought "Those are the tackiest things I ever saw!  Who on Earth would want to wear those?"  Five-plus years later, here I am wearing one.  How tastes change, huh?  I don't guess you're ever too old for unicorns!  Strangely, I was not a huge unicorn fan when I was the target age for these bows, but I did love My Little Pony, so I guess that counts.  I still love My Little Pony, LOL.

Hmmm...My Little Pony...I could call my hair bow Pinkie Pie, except that of the six Equestria Girls I actually like Pinkie Pie the least.  If asked several years back who my favorite MLP was I'd have said Twilight Sparkle, but nowadays Applejack is my girl, with her southern drawl and tomboy mannerisms.  Her Equestria wiki also implies that Applejack is an Ozark girl, possibly from southwestern Missouri (Joplin?  Branson?  I don't guess it matters) or the corresponding corner of Oklahoma.  I'm sadly NOT an Ozark girl (that title would go to my mother), but having been in and out of the Ozarks most of my life, I could be very happy there.  

I get my taxes done today.  Pray that I don't owe anything; both Mama and Uncle Man-Child had to pay.

Happy Unicorn Day,


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